
Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Book Review

Rawr Reader,

   Hello. After finishing the Lord of the Rings series yesterday, I decided to dip my toes back into the murder mystery world of Agatha Christie. I've had this book at the top of my Agatha Christie reads for a while so I just decided that why not let it just be my next read?
   --So even though I posted this review up several months back now, I've noticed that this review gets the most views almost every week and for that I apologize because I didn't have much to say about it. If you still want to know what I did think about it by all means scroll down and read my review, but yeah I could only say so much. Have a lovely day! --
  (updated 7.23.13)

  This is the synopsis of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd provided by Goodreads:

Village rumor hints that Mrs. Ferrars poisoned her husband, but no one is sure. Then there's another victim in a chain of death. Unfortunately for the killer, master sleuth Hercule Poirot takes over the investigation.

It's Agatha Christie, I researched. ;)

(safe for those who haven't read this book)
  Oh yeah alright Agatha Christie here we go! I'd like to start off by saying that this wasn't anything like I thought it was. I confused this story with another one which I still am not sure which book it is, but I thought it involved a woman being found at the scene of crime with a knife in her hand right in front of the body. If anyone knows the title, please tell me, because that one sounds really interesting.
   I was a little disappointed in this book. I found the majority of the story to be redundant, restating the facts of times and objects and people's whereabouts. I was anxious to find out who did it already about a sixth of the way into the book. And I totally understand why people give this book so much credit and praise, because the ending really was a plot twist, I was taken back for a minute. However, I felt I was begin dragged in this book, and wasn't enjoying it as much as I wanted. 
   Unlike her other books I've read, I only really was suspicious of about four out of the ten to fifteen that are the more prominent characters. I won't say who I was suspicious of, but I'll just say I was wrong. Oh well, you win some you lose some.

I give this book 3/5 stars.

Author's Quote:
“If you are to be Hercule Poirot, you must think of everything.” 
- Agatha Christie

My Goodreads:

Next To Read:
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

River Song's Spoilers:
(unsafe for those who haven't read this book yet, so don't read this section)
   Okay, I suspected Caroline the entire book, so I was a little cast down when I found out I was wrong. As for her brother turning out to be the murderer, it didn't necessarily surprise me but then it did. The beginning I couldn't really remember the exact movements and times that the doctor was out and about until the end when Poirot explained it all. The only thing I knew for sure that was fishy was that it took five minutes to go from the gate to that one room and he said it took him ten. But I just thought that he was old so he went slower. Christie never really cleared up ages so I more or less guessed most of them:
   (The doctor I thought was old, sixties/seventies but his sister young-- but then she revealed later in the book she was only eight years younger.
   Flora was early twenties. 
   Blunt was nineteen.
   Roger Ackroyd was forties.
   Ralph Paton was mid twenties.
   Mrs. Ackroyd was in her fifties.
   Ursula was mid to late twenties.
   The rest of the house staff was older than thirties.)
   I see why this book gathers so much fame. Being in the mind of the killer isn't one typically is accustomed to when reading, especially a murder mystery. While the doctor reveals that most of the time he himself was confused, which kind of makes this story a little funny when you think about it, it really had me step back to just think about what I just read. I was just in the mind of a murderer. I read this in one sitting so I just had to evaluate everything I just learned and really appreciate all the red herrings and miscalculated accusations that Christie had to write, then rewrite, then fix, then rewrite, then clean, then read and made sure make sense. My mind is always boggled by the complexities of her murders, and seriously no one can beat her. She is the queen.

Until Next Time,
Nicole Ciel

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