
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Body in the Library Book Review

Rawr Reader,

   Today is my first day away from sci-fi which makes me a little sad since I've enjoyed every one I've read so far this week. But I enjoy almost any genre I read so I really don't lose right? ;D
    This review will be on The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie. The synopsis is provided by Goodreads:

Bleached blonde girl clad in not-new spangled evening gown is found strangled in the library of old Colonel Arthur and Dolly Bantry, best friends to Miss Jane Marple. The village spinster, expert in human nature and motivations for murder, notes closely clipped nails, commonly bitten at that age, unlike talons usual to Josie's job of professional Hotel dancer.

  After buying my first two Agatha Christie novels separately... I went to Walmart with my mom and happened across the book section *winky face* and they had this awesome little Agatha Christie set of 4 books, And Then There Were None, Murder on the Orient Express, The Body in the Library,  and an extra book about her life and her favorite books and other really cool facts about her. I already had the first two books but I really wanted TBitL and the extra little book on her, plus the set was only $14 (which is an awesome deal since the case is really cute too!) so I thought, why not??

(safe for those who haven't read this section)
   Something I love about Agatha Christie, her endings never disappoint! While this one may have been a little bit more predictable than the other three I've read (check which ones in my book reviews page to the right), I still really enjoyed following the case.
   I was moving so I didn't read this book at a more leisurely pace, so I had some trouble keeping track of all the names. Probably what I enjoyed most was meeting new people and hearing their "voice." My favorite person reading about was Mrs. Bantry. Right from the start she has a very eccentric personality, particularly with her reactions to the development of the case and calling Miss Marple to the case. 
   And I'm not really a fan of Miss Marple, she seemed to have come to the solution way too easily. I don't know if it's because she's "that good" like Sherlock Holmes or C. Auguste Dupin from Edgar Allen Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue," but for me she seemed to be out of sight or just sitting around most of the case. So at the end when she's explaining how the murder occurred, it was a little unbelievable. If it were Hercule Poirot, I know he would've been more involved therefore I would've been more impressed.
   Also I loved how Christie referenced herself about a quarter of the way into the story. And then when she praised her writing (check quote below). Gotta love when the author praises/references themselves in books. Sure gave me a chuckle.
   Sorry there isn't much to say since this is a murder mystery and anything I say might give a hint as to who did it or who didn't. 
I give this book 3.5/5 stars. Would've been 4 stars if Miss Marple were more involved.

Author's Quote:
"Do you—er—write detective stories?"
The most unlikely people, he knew, wrote detective stories. And Miss Marple, in her old-fashioned spinster's clothes, looked a singularly unlikely person.
"Oh no, I'm not clever enough for that."
Agatha Christie, The Body in the Library

My Goodreads:

Next To Read:
Men of Bronze by Scott Oden

River Song's Spoilers:
(unsafe for those who haven't read this book, so don't read this section)
   I had some problems with the whole detective thing. Miss Marple wasn't the main detective for the practically the majority of the book, and that's what made the ending a little disappointing. I love how the body was meant to be in Basil's house but that he was drunk so he took the body to Bantry's hosue as a joke. (I still chuckle at that.)
   But I didn't understand how Pamela got involved. Only she was trying to get into show business with Ruby-- even then I may be off.

Until Next Time,
Nicole Ciel

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