
About Nicole Ciel + My First Novel

Hello There Fellow Reader!

Introductions are in order. My name is Nicole de Leon and I started this blog during my time in college to spread and showcase books. Books I loved . . . other books not so much. 

And that's okay! 

The beauty about literature is that it's subjective. What I may love others may not give the light of day. What others may recommend I may disparage. I think over the past couple of years the mindset's become grounded in the belief that people must only think a certain way and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. As I speak from the soapbox that is my blog, I have to disagree.  Sometimes it's okay to have different opinions. It makes every one of our stories unique and exemplifies that we all have a voice. Not a wrong voice. Not a right voice.

A voice.

So with that in mind, take how I interpret books as merely my opinion. I may be right on the dot and likewise I may be wrong. I may interpret themes or plots a far throw from what the author intended. It merely sets the stage for open discussion, which is why I believe stories are told in the first place and one reason why I started this blog. 

Now beyond that disclaimer, a little about me---which is why you opened this page and I thank you for enduring all of that to reach this far:

Outside of the world of stories I have several passions: one is music scores from film, television, and video games. I am a wee collector of the instrumental variety and whenever I hear a new score or learn of a new composer that writes music that is transcendent, I have an unnecessary desire to own the CD. Let's forever support artists!

Another hobby of mine is photography. Unless otherwise stated, all photographs are my own. I haven't practiced as much during the recent years but it will always be a cathartic passion of mine.

I love puzzles and critical thinking games. So while genre mysteries or thrillers aren't my go-to, I still love trying to predict what's going and honestly, love being proved wrong at the end.

And I think this would come to no surprise that I am in fact a writer. I've written stories since I was young and self-published my first novel in 2019 called TRIUM. I squirm at self-marketing and self-promos so I'll keep this short and sweet. It is a story about a girl discovering gargoyles come to life in her hometown cathedral. It is available on Amazon and you can purchase the ebook or the paperback or read it on Kindle Unlimited.

You can check out my website for more information at: 

Whew, now that's out of the way!

Thank you for exploring Rawr Reader and I hope together we can continue to share the beauty, complexities, and treasures that are books.


  1. I'm a fellow bookworm currently residing and attending school in Alaska. I stumbled across your blog on a quest to find my next read, and I was pleasantly surprised the amazingness that is you. I have to say, I really admire the work you've put into your reviews and your blog as a whole. Your writing has a beautiful voice to it and good humor. If you haven't read them already, I highly recommend The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Anyway, that's all I can think to say. DFTBA!

    1. Oh my, thank you so much for your kind words, they without a doubt made my day! I love talking to other book enthusiasts such as myself and I hope you find other books that might interest you in the future. And I've had those two books on my to read list for such a long time, I'll definitely have them in mind when I'm looking for a new read. Thanks again, and yes, DFTBA! :)
