December 2013 Photo Book Challenge!

Rawr Reader,

Hi, I wanted to do another one because apparently I like to overstress myself. School finishes December 13th so I wanted something for the rest of the month. Plus these are ridiculously fun, so why not?

Day 1 (12/1) - To Read This Month

 On the left are the ones I haven't read, the center books are the ones I'm currently reading, and the books on the right are the ones I would like to reread.

Day 2 (12/2) - Favorite Series

I don't have a favorite series, there's always one book for  me that ruins all of it (even in A Song of Ice and Fire, I felt A Clash of Kings was a little bit of  disappointment, and now A Feast for Crows, however still an amazing series). And since I was only going to be here for a couple weeks I didn't bring many books back with me to college, so I just chose the series with the most books.

Day 3 (12/3) - Most Overrated

I bear no shame saying Divergent. I was this close to getting the second book before reading/finishing the first one and sooo happy I didn't. I wouldn't say I completely and utterly hated it, but it was one of my lower rated books of the year.

Honestly I think the fact that they made it a movie just made me hate it a little more. If it had remained in the book universe, I wouldn't have minded.


Day 4 (12/4) - Favorite Title

Ready Player One because, if you've read it you understand.


Day 5 (12/5) - Plot Twist

Yeah, the first book I reviewed on my blog and it was glorious, such an amazing twist by the end. One of my favorite reads of the year for sure. 

Day 6 (12/6) - Most Anticipated This Year

Goddess is the final book in the Starcrossed series by Josephine Angelini which is an interesting modern twist on ancient Greek mythology. Loved it!

Day 7 (12/7) - Dream Cast for Fav Book

I don't like doing casts for books because then I imagine real people's faces over my fictional and unless it's a movie, I like to keep their appearances a little ambiguous and foggy. But, I can't skip today so I'll just list a cast with a few characters.

                                                        Vicious by Victoria Schwab

Tom Hiddleston...........Victor Vale
Ben Barnes..............Eli Ever
Sophie NĂ©lisse..............Sydney Clarke
Carey Mulligan.............Serena Clark
Karl Urban....................Mitch Turner

Day 8 (12/8) - Happily Ever After

I was trying to find a book with a "happily ever after" ending but it was very difficult. Alas, this one is more or less "happily ever after." 

Day 9 (12/9) - Best Cliffhanger

    Because I don't want to have A Song of Ice and Fire to be the answer to every day, I'll give you one of my top 5 favorite cliffhangers which I remembered first after ASoIaF. 
    A Million Suns is the 2nd in the Across the Universe trilogy by Beth Revis. This is a YA Sci-fi set on a ship (I don't know about you but that's flipping awesome-- and reminds me a lot of Firefly <3 (though the story is not) ) and AMS was my favorite in the trilogy since most of it was mystery and the cliffhanger was brilliant. I'm so happy I started the trilogy after the third one was released because I don't think I could've beared the wait well. ^^

Day 10 (12/10) - Favorite POV

One of the most unique POV I've ever read was Death's in The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Such a remarkable tale.

Day 11 (12/11) - Frustrating Read

 This book was so tough to finish, one of my least liked reads this year.

Day 12 (12/12) - I Wish I had Read this Sooner
This book was fantastic, breathless, and one of my favorite reads of the year. I want to reread this soon.

How the characters were written was transcending.

Day 13 (12/13) - Reading by the Fire

I just finished my last final and am going home tonight, but my sister is graduating so late that I won't be home until really late so I know I won't have a picture with me by the fire until tomorrow or probably even after, so here's the best I can do. :P

Day 14 (12/14) - Favorite Character Name

Aziraphale from Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. 
Day 15 (12/15) - Currently Reading

A Feast for Crows by George RR Martin.

Not as good as the other 3 but it's tolerable.

Day 16 (12/16) - Guilty Pleasure

Rearranging my bookshelf and buying new books and having to rearrange it accordingly. ^^

 Day 17 (12/17) - Favorite Classic

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

I'm not into horror, but this book is the exception and I think everyone should read it.

Day 18 (12/18) - Set in the Past or Future

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

The only book I could find that was set in the past and future. One of my favorite reads this year and I love the movie, too.

Day 19 (12/19) - Makes Me Feel Nostalgic

Ah so much nostalgia. Other people read Harry Potter, I read these.

Day 20 (12/20) - Blew My Mind

The Vanishing Game by Kate Kae Meyers 

Day 21 (12/21) - Would Suggest to a Friend

The Rook by Daniel O'Malley

Funny, and one of the few novels I've read where the female protagonist isn't concentrated on or constantly talking about another male character. 

Day 22 (12/22) - Winter theme/setting

The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons 

Not all of it is in winter, but possibly the most powerful part of the story is taken in the winter. 

Plus the cover is wintery so I thought it was perfect. 


Day 23 (12/23) - I own multiple copies

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 

Both are neither of my copies. They belong to my family and we have two because my sister thought that we didn't already own a copy so she just bought another one.

I've started it but never finished it and don't really intend to.

Day 24 (12/24) - Stayed up all night reading

Stolen by Lucy Christopher

One of the few YA books I've given 5/5 stars to. Utterly brilliant.

Day 25 - Gift Giving

I got Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows for my mom since she didn't have it for her birthday earlier this year. 

And my best friend just got me Horns for Christmas (which is a book I've wanted for a while but never got around to getting). Ahhh books! <3 :D

Day 26 (12/26) - Most relateable book character

Cath from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 

It isn't just that she's a fangirl. It's that she's shy and that she doesn't go out to parties or drinks and is comfortable being alone with her laptop. Yeah, she's me. To an extent. ^^

Day 27 (12/27) - Has been on my tbr list forever

Angels & Demons by Dan Brown 

On my TBR list for a couple years now, bought it for a couple dollars several months back, and still have to read it! I don't know what's holding me back. ^_^

Day 28 (12/28) - Makes me incredibly giddy

I think this has to do with the romance in the novel, and for this I'll have to choose from one of my favorite male protagonists. I'll pick Wesley from The Archived by Victoria Schwab, one of my favorite books even without him in it. 

Day 29 (12/29) - My Bookshelf

I'm a little too in love with my bookshelf, but what booklover isn't? :)

Day 30 (12/30) - Top fav books read this year

I have a page on the top right for my top 13 books of 2013, so instead of repeating myself I thought I'd show some other books that didn't make the list but that I would definitely recommend!

The China Garden by Liz Berry
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
Eona by Alison Goodman
Vicious by V.E. Schwab
The Forbidden Game (The Hunter, The Chase, The Kill) by L.J. Smith
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker

Day 31(12/31) - Last book in a series

   I read this in a day and took me about 13 hours (yes I read non-stop but because I know this is a safe space, I know there won't be any judgement). ^^

Anyhoo, this is the second in the Eon duology (my first and so far one of my favorite series of all I've read).

Such a fantastic way to finish this book filled year! :)


  1. What kind of camera do you use? You have very good photos. Thanks! :)

    1. Thanks! I have a Canon Rebel xsi (12.2 MP.)
